terms and conditions and Competition Levels
Videos to be no longer than 60 seconds in length and no larger than 8mb (8 Mega bites) in file size
UnseenTalents.com will have (3) three competition categories .
1. Vocals (Male,Female,gender Neutral,He,She,They,Them,However the member is recognized, choir and all music types )
2. instruments [ 1 instrument or more , with or without single vocalist )
3. Karaoke ( only allowed with background music track. no secondary vocal tracks )
UnseenTalents.com reserves the right to reject videos due to inappropriate language and inappropriate behavior shown on videos. members will be posting from around the world and post their videos in the membership area of the unseentanents.com website. upon approval the video will uploaded to the viewing area, it may take up to 48 hours before the video is approved. Members of the Unseentalents.com website are the judges by their votes or likes they will determine which member will progress through the event stages . All videos approved from the back stage veiwing area will progress to the main stage which is the 1st round for voting by registered members. then to the second round of (60)sixty videos move on from the members votes or thumbs up, members then to the third round of [50] fifty members, then fourth round of [40] fourty members then to the fifth round of [30] thirty members then sixth round of [15] fifteen members then to sixth round of (5) Five and on to the 7th and final round of [1] one who will be crowned the top member of that event
That member will be given the opportunity to sell their video to UnseenTalents.com for $500.00 United States Dollars which will be paid out using the PayPal service
sharing of personal information will be in violation of the membership agreement and result in termination of the membership . If a member wishes to be contacted by another member they will need to contact the unseentalents.com membership committee and only if both participant are in agreement the connection will be made ..
coming soon
members will also have access to informational audios and videos within the down-loadable library.
How Rounds Are Completed
Round voting will go as follows. It will take a total of [6] six weeks to complete a showcase cycle and [2] one weeks to complete a spotlight cycle .
Multiple competitions will be running at any given time one the first [2] two weeks of opening the voting has been completed .
Videos are uploaded to the site .
After approx. [48] forty eight hours the audio or video will be live on the UT website however not able to be voted on until the voting starts for that group.
there is a [2] two week holding period (Viewing area) before videos can be voted on .
Registration Process
There is a no purchase necessary to become a member and are membership insentives for no cost upload tokens , uploading a video to the unseen talent's website. in order to receive a free upload password you must send email to unseentalents@gmail.com . a free upload token will be emailed to the members acount . One no cost upload token per member per month. Each month there will be a new token given for the free upload by request only. All rules will still apply to free uploads. A total of 12 free token uploads per email account per calender year, UnseenTalents.com id not responsible for failure to receive email due to and restriction on members email accounts. please be sure that unseentalents.com is allowed to send you emails so you do not miss your free requested token, token purcheses will be made avalible for members that wish to upload multiple videos.
Or simply sign up for One of the memberships in the membership area on the unseen talent's website Membership information will be attached to members email account .
sharing of personal information will be in violation of the membership agreement and result in termination of the membership . If a member wishes to be contacted by another member they will need to contact the unseen talents membership committee and only if both participant are in agreement the connection will be made ..
We will soon open the Actors and actress section of unseentalents.com,unseentalent.com / How this section will work is as a member you will be allowed to vote and be part of the forum , again as in the other areas no personal information will be shared . Any personal contact will be shared only throu the unseentalents.com internal system and it is only with written request and agreement between both parties. We want to keep unanimity for our members extremely confidential .
The Actor section will be similar to the singing and band section in the voting process , However the member contestants will have the choice to be seen as in their uploaded video . There will be four sections that can be entered , Comedy, Drama, horror, and action, there will be a provided script that will be read and voters will determine who the best actor or actress is .
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